There was no change in base pig quotes from all the main pig factories last Friday resulting in pig farmers receiving €1.60-€1.62c/kg base price again this week. After some signs of positive upward movement in the EU pig price last week, disaster struck with conformation of African Swine Fever (ASF) in one wild boar carcass in East Germany, close to the Polish border. After months of controlling the wild boar population and the erection of fencing to stop the migration of wild boar from Poland, which has ASF, into Germany, it is a major disappointment and has had a serious disturbance effect on the pig trade. The German pig processors reacted immediately, dropping the price by 20c/kg, down to €1.27c/kg. compounding an already difficult situation in Germany with a backlog of pigs due to processing difficulties in light of factory closure as a result of Covid-19. China announced on Saturday 12th that it was suspending an imports of Germany pigmeat.