Pig Market ReportsPigs

Pig Market Update 20th September

Irish pig prices fell by 4c/kg on Friday last, with farmers reporting quotes of €2.33- €2.37 available. 

The weekly throughput figures for ROI for week ending the 17th of September was 62,252, of which 1,251 were sows (Back circa 10.5% ytd)

The average European price for a grade E carcass pig for week 36 was 232.7c/kg, which is 9% higher than prices for the same week last year, according to the Commission, however, it is back 5% on last month’s prices.  EU Feed market (exports/imports). According to Agritel, the latest summary figures from the European Union show that exports to third countries are, unsurprisingly, lower than last year, reaching 6.32 million tonnes of soft wheat, down 27.3% on last year to date. For barley, the drop is around -10.9%, with 1.87 Mt exported to date.
Even though imports into Europe since the beginning of July have fallen sharply compared with last year, by around 44%, with 3.31 Mt imported, the potential of European harvests and available Ukrainian volumes is reassuring traders. The volume of rapeseed arriving in Europe since the start of the season is slightly down on last year at 0.78 million tonnes.

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