There was no change in Irish pig prices last Friday with farmers reporting quotes of at least €2.10 – €2.14 available from processors in ROI. Some farmers are reporting prices of €2.16/kg available from processors also and some producers reporting prices up to €2.20/kg available from some factories. Pig supplies across Europe are tight. In Germany, future markets are also looking strong with the outlook likely that prices will move to €2.25/kg this week.
The average European price for a grade E carcass pig for week 10 was €2.16/kg, which is still behind by -5.4% on prices for the same week last year according to the Commission, but is up 6.4% on last month’s average price.
Week 1-10: Year to date pig throughput figures are back 2% on the same period for 2023 ((2024) 611,572 vs (2023) 623,721) . When compared with 2022 figures a 13% decrease can be observed with week 1-10 for 2022 totalling 70,350 pigs.