The Irish pig held stable this week, with most quotes ranging from a low of €1.56/€1.58c/kg, up to reports of suppliers still receiving in excess of €1.60 with €1.62c/kg a common price in some plants. On average, most suppliers seem to be in around €1.58-1.60c/kg this week. In a normal feed price year, 1.60c/kg would leave a margin, but with feed prices continuing their steady rise 2021/2022 will be a different story.
Last years feed prices were forward bought by both large mills and home millers, but going back into the current market to purchase will result in a big financial readjustment. Grain prices were running about €40/tonne higher than 2020 levels, but the normal cooling off period around harvest has been turned on its head this year with the market heating up further. Grain price look like being €50/tonne up on last year’s levels. In terms of cost of production, this will mean 20c/kg extra pig price is required just to cover this feed cost increase. This put the breakeven pig price at a price between €1.65 and 1.70c/kg.
Export Plants
Top prices on a flat rate basis.
<= €1.56/kg-€1.60c/kg in Rosderra and Kepak
<=€1.58/kg – €1.62c/kg in Karro (Cookstown),
<= €1.60/kg – €1.64/kg in Dawn Pork & Bacon
<=€1.60/kg -€ 1.64/kg in Staunton’s