Pig Market ReportsPigs

Pig Market Update 28th September

Pig prices has held for this week. Quotes today are at €1.52/1.54c/kg, with some suppliers still receiving around €1.54-1.58c/kg from some processing plants. Feed costs have elevated significantly this year, pushing pig farmers into negative margins.

The lack of skilled labour available in some processing plants is still at the forefront of concerns to be addressed. Workers are required from outside the EEA as the required skilled labourers are not available within the EU to work in our boning halls. The lack of suitable labour is making it difficult for some farmers to sell their pigs.  The European & UK pig price has remained mainly unchanged. Due to the low German pig price, labour shortages due to covid in Germany, and slaughter capacity here it’s now more difficult for farmers to sell cull sows in Ireland.

Export Plants

Top prices on a flat rate basis.

<= €1.52/kg-€1.56c/kg in Rosderra and Kepak

<=€1.52/kg – €1.60c/kg in Karro (Cookstown), 

<= €1.54/kg – €1.58/kg in Dawn Pork & Bacon 

<=€1.54/kg -€ 1.58/kg in Staunton’s


€0.46- €0.50 c/kg

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