There was no announced change to Irish pig prices on Friday. Producers are reporting quotes of at least €2.26 – €2.33 available from processors in ROI, with some reporting up to €2.35/kg signalling strong demand for pigs.
The average European price for a grade E carcass pig for week 20 was €2.19/kg (Excluding vat), which, according to the Commmission is 8% less than prices for the same week last year and is level with last month’s average EU grade E carcass price. It’s worth noting that this is an increase of 18.7% when compared with prices from 2019 for the same week. EU pigmeat prices are expected to steadily increase over the coming weeks due to higher demand for produce.
The weekly throughput for week ending May 26th was 61668 of which 1663 were sows.
Following increases in grain prices the end of last week, prices on Euronext fell back slightly yesterday. Traders are still keeping a close eye on developments in Russia and the weather forecasts for the coming weeks. Following the downward revision of production potential by many analysts, temperatures and rainfall forecasts are still being closely monitored. In France, rainy conditions during the spring are still causing delays in sowing, particularly for corn, however, prices remain at their highest levels since last September.