No change in pig price this week, after all pig farmers have taken between 8-4c/kg price drop during the month of July. Factory demand remains sluggish although the domestic wholesale market in Ireland is good, with no negativity in terms of wholesale price. Suppliers to Karro Foods in Northern Ireland continue to have difficulty getting numbers away, but this is hopefully a short-term problem. A larger problem is looming on the entire pig farming and processing industry regarding labour, both on farm and in processing plants. Without access to workers from outside the EU, a shortage of available labour could start to impact the sectors’ ability to maintain current output and export value into the future.
The situation across Europe remains difficult with a sluggish return to tourism and poor demand from China. Market analysts expect the situation to stabilise in the short term and improve as the back-to-school season starts in a few weeks.
Export Plants
Top prices on a flat rate basis
<= €1.62/kg-€1.66c/kg in Rosderra and Kepak
<=€1.66/kg – €1.68c/kg in Karro (Cookstown),
<= €1.66/kg – €1.70/kg in Dawn Pork & Bacon
<=€1.66/kg -€ 1.70/kg in Staunton’s