Pig Market ReportsPigs

Pig Market Update 6th June

There was no announced change to Irish pig prices on Friday.  Producers are reporting quotes of at least €2.26 – €2.33 available from processors in ROI, with some reporting up to €2.35/kg.  This  signals strong demand for pigs with the average price circa €2.30/kg following an increase of 2c/kg delivered to many producers. 

According to the Commission the average European price for a grade E carcass pig for week 21 was €2.20/kg (Excluding vat). This price   is still 8% less on prices for the same week last year, however it is up 1% on last month’s average EU grade E carcass price. 

The weekly throughtput for week ending June 2nd was 63,931 or which 1,912 were sows.

Feed wheat futures rose slightly despite a global wheat market decline due to speculative profit-taking. Uncertainty over Russian crops limited price falls, as Southern Russia received some rain but Central Russia stayed dry. Paris rapeseed futures fell, impacted by overall declines in the oilseeds market and favourable weather for Canadian canola planting. US maize crops are off to a strong start with 75% rated good/excellent, the highest initial rating since 2021. Spring wheat and soyabean planting are ahead of average, with good initial conditions reported.

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