Pig Market Update 6th October

The Irish pig price remains steady at €1.60/kg, but noticeable more optimism coupled with a few extra 2c/kg bonus’ going around the pig industry this week. The turmoil that ASF has caused the German pig sector, farmers in particular, is contained to Germany with little negative impact here.
The loss of German pork to the export markets has increased demand on the market, and the Irish processors are seeing this increased demand also. Asian buyers are more active for all cuts, including higher value legs which normally would not be in such high demand in Asian markets. Good news regarding market access for Irish pigmeat, with the reopening of market access for the Rosderra’s plant in Roscrea. This important pig factory can handle up to 3000 pigs per day and with full access to the high value Chinese market restored, IFA Pig Chairman said, now is the week for a price increase. Hogan called on Rosderra, as the largest pig processor in Ireland, to show leadership and increase the pig price 4c/kg this Friday.