Another good week for Irish pig farmers with an increase of 4c/kg across the board from all factories for this week’s pigs. This leaves pig farmers receiving a price of €1.68-€1.70/kg, but with intense competition from all processors and agents to maintain numbers, some farmers have received up to 4cent above quotes.
IFA Pigs Chairman Tom Hogan welcomed what he saw as a further correction of the Irish pig price, which still has finally caught up with the European average price. Hogan said that while at last Irish pig farmers are getting a just return for their produce, it is true to say that the market place has returned a greater price than factories passed back over the last two months. He said that IFA will continue to monitor market returns and keep pressure on Irish processors to pass back expected increases.
Ireland’s percentage of the EU price has improved and is currently 94% of the EU average price as reported to the EU Commission for the week commencing 22/4/2019.
Factory pig throughput in Republic of Ireland export plants for the week ending May 4th 2019 was 65,537 head which was 12,697 head more than the previous week and 1,905 less than in the corresponding week in 2018.