Driver Theory Test Must Be Classified as an Essential Service

IFA President Tim Cullinan has written to Minister of State at the Department of Transport Hildegarde Naughton to allow candidates to take the Driver Theory Test remotely.
“I pointed out to Minister Naughton that there are many essential workers who need to secure a Category B and/or W Driver Licence in order to deliver essential services on farms during the Summer, and as part of employment with agricultural contractors.”
The Government decided recently not to classify the Driver Theory Test as an essential service and the suspension of the service until May 4th.
However, the ProProctor Remote Testing option allows candidates for certain Tests (currently Bus/Truck, Approved Driving Instructor and Driver Certificate of Professional Competence) to take their Driver Theory Test from the comfort of their own home.
“The RSA has stated that the service is reliable and convenient while delivering a secure testing experience. This service must be extended to candidates applying for other driver licence categories such as cars (Category B) and tractors (Category W),” said Tim Cullinan.
“Farming, farm labour, crop and animal production, farm relief services, and the provision of support services relating to any of the agricultural services specified are all included in the Government’s list of essential services at Level 5.”
“These essential workers should be allowed to compete their Essential Driving Training in order to take their Driving Test and obtain their Driving Licence.”