Forestry Reports
Forestry Council Report July 2023

- Market Review
- IFA published a Timber Market Report for April to June 2023 (enclosed). The report shows the timber market remained relatively stable since the previous quarter, with no significant changes in prices across timber products (see Figure 1).
- IFA published a review of Timber prices 2022-2023 (enclosed). Overall, the market outlook for 2023 suggests potential growth in the timber market. This growth is primarily attributed to sustained construction demand. There is a strong likelihood that the demand for timber will remain steady for the remainder of 2023.

Figure 1. Average Roadside Timber Price (Q2 2022 – Q2 2023)
- The DAFM Forestry Weekly Dashboard shows 1,221 ha have been planted and 33km of forest road constructed in 2023 to date. These can be viewed online here.

Figure 2. Forest Licence Dashboard (Week 2 July 2023)

Figure 3. Review of licences issued versus planted/constructed (Week 2 July 2023).
- Activity since last National Council
- IFA held a National Farm Forestry conference – A Path Forward for Farm Forestry, on Thursday 8th June in the Tullamore Court Hotel.
- The keynote address was delivered by Pippa Hackett, Minister of State DAFM, who also participated in a lengthy panel discussion.
- The first session focused on future forest policy and supports; ash dieback; managing forests in the current regulatory environment; and opportunities provided by agroforestry.
- The afternoon session was on forest carbon, the work ongoing to provide a framework for valuing carbon and how the UK Woodland Carbon Code operates.
- Presentations from the conference are available to download on the IFA website.
- An independent review of DAFM’s Ash dieback support scheme was announced on 7th June. The terms of reference for the review are:
- Review existing DAFM supports for Landowners affected by Ash Dieback in grant aided plantations.
- Engage with relevant stakeholders to seek their views on the current supports for landowners.
- Make recommendations to the Minister on the effectiveness of these supports
- The Forestry Knowledge Transfer Group (KTG) Scheme 2023 has opened for submission of applications to establish and run a KTG from forestry groups, forestry companies and individual forestry professionals.
- A copy of the scheme Terms & Conditions and application form can be downloaded from the Department’s website
- IFA attended a Teagasc Talking Timber Event on 23rd May.
- IFA attended a focus group on Irish forestry as part of UCC research project on 13th July.
- IFA attended the Working Group for the RDS Forestry Awards.
- IFA issued a series of press release:
- Farmers no longer see forestry as a safe investment.
- Dismay at Minister’s refusal to compensate farmers affected by Ash dieback.
- IFA Timber Price Survey shows price stability, but sellers should look for best quotes.
- The IFA Farm Forestry committee met online on 8th of May, 6th of June and 13th of June.
- The IFA Farm Forestry Management committee met on 21st June in Portlaoise and on the 13th and 14th of July online.
- Any EU/COPA developments
- IFA attended a COPA Working Party on Forestry meeting on 29th June in Brussels, the main topic discussed was valuing forest carbon.
- Upcoming issues
- The IFA Farm Forestry committee will meet on Wednesday 19th July in the Farm Centre.
- IFA in the process of developing lobbying documents on the new Forest Programme and Ash Dieback.
- IFA to engage with the review group as part of the independent review of DAFM’s Ash dieback support scheme.