Height Restrictions on Loads Will Impose Extra Transport Costs on Agri Sector

IFA National Environment & Rural Affairs Chairman Harold Kingston has described the new regulation introduced by Transport Minister Leo Varadkar, which will enforce a maximum load height restriction of 4.65 metres, as excessive. It must be addressed urgently as it will add millions of euro to the annual cost of transporting fodder and other agri related produce each year.
Harold Kingston said, “The new height restriction will add an enormous additional and unnecessary cost on the sector, which may be as high as €10m each year. It can be avoided if Minister Varadkar applies a similar height limit of 5.03m as exists in the UK and other member states”.
He said, “This proposed load height restriction could add an extra €300-€400 to every load of fodder transported in the country and will result in increased numbers of loads of farm produce being transported on public roads. This will particularly hit farmers in the West of Ireland who are very dependent on hay and straw from tillage farmers in the east of the country every year and must be addressed immediately”.