IFA Calls for Increased Support for Low Emission Slurry Equipment

IFA Environment Chairman, Thomas Cooney has restated his call on Agriculture Minister Michael Creed to increase the grant rate available for low emissions slurry spreading equipment to at least 60%.
He said, “Many farmers, particularly those with a nitrates derogation, are facing increased compliance costs as a result of new regulations introduced by Government. The Department of Agriculture provided a similar level of support when they previously introduced new agri-environmental measures and this must happen again now. In addition, an accelerated capital allowance scheme should be established to further support the uptake of this low emission equipment.
“The message that I will be delivering to Minister Creed when he attends the Associations’ AGM in the coming weeks is that Ireland faces growing climate and environmental challenges and he must do everything he can to meet these, by supporting farmers who will be using low emission slurry spreading equipment.”
Thomas Cooney has also described the requirement for derogation farmers to have 50% of their slurry spread by mid-June, as “extremely difficult for farmers to deliver on.” This tight calendar farming regime has proven in the past to be extremely problematic for farmers and must be reviewed.