IFA Hill Farmers Insist That Details on Commonage Guidelines Are Issued
IFA Hill Farmers Chairman Pat Dunne has called for the publication of the guidelines to planners to carry out commonage management plans (CMPs) for 4,000 farmers who joined the first phase of GLAS. These guidelines must allow CMP’s to be carried out in a flexible and simple format.
Pat Dunne said that many planners are ready to carry out the plans and must now be provided with these guidelines without further delay.
The IFA Hill Farmers leader said it is expected that many commonage farmers who did not join the first phase of GLAS are ready to join when the scheme reopens in the autumn when the CMP’s are completed. Many commonage farmers are still in AEOS, and as they are priority Tier 1 farmers are guaranteed entry to the scheme. In addition the splitting parcel issue ensured that some farmers were better to wait until the autumn as they could maximise their payments.