IFA Welcomes Move by Minister Sean Canney to Lower Levels in Lough Allen

The Chairman of the IFA Flood Project Team, Padraic Joyce has welcomed the decision by the Minister of State at the OPW Sean Canney to begin a trial to lower the lake levels in Lough Allen to help mitigate potential flood risk for this winter.
Minister Canney was giving an update in the Dáil last night.
Padraic Joyce said he hoped further measures could be put in place given the heavy rainfall that has taken place over the summer and autumn. “It is up to the Government to ensure that the public good overrides all other considerations. The protection of households, farmland and businesses must be to the forefront of all works. In addition, the protection of livelihoods must be a key consideration in the CFRAM process.”
Sean Canney said from the analysis completed, this may have a positive impact on the extent of certain flood events that might occur during the winter.
Minister Sean Canney has also asked his officials to make contact with Offaly County Council to review the case of Banagher. He said dredging on the River Shannon came up at the group meeting yesterday and all parties are now going to look at it, both from the point of view of what we can do in the short term and what we can do in the long term.
Padraic Joyce said dredging works are an important element in the protection of households and farmland and he urged the Minister to speed up the process.