Minister to Set Up Fodder Action Group Following Meeting with IFA

Following a meeting between the IFA and the Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed, the Minister has set up a special Fodder Action Group to assess the situation and to determine what response is required.
The Group will include the Department of Agriculture, Teagasc, the co-ops, the marts and IFA.
The Minister said he would set up the Fodder Action Group with immediate effect. The first meeting will be held in Sligo next Monday.
Joe Healy said the deepening fodder problems will have to be addressed with measures to help those farmers who urgently need support to avert a crisis. The IFA delegation led by the President included Regional Chairmen and the Chairmen from the five Connacht counties, and Donegal and Longford.
The worst affected areas are mainly in the north-west and west of the country. The difficult weather conditions since August have left many farmers facing a severe fodder crisis during the winter and spring months.