IFA Welcomes New Tams Ii Schemes but Speedier Approvals Necessary

IFA President Eddie Downey has welcomed the announcement by Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney of the introduction of two additional TAM II schemes under the Rural Development Programme. He said that all remaining schemes should be open by the end of the month. This scheme is vital for the long-term future of agriculture, while boosting economic activity in the rural economy.
List of eligible items
However Eddie Downey said that it is vital that the administrative delays that have been evident under the TAMS I are not repeated, as many farmers struggle to complete works by the end of August deadline.
IFA has already asked the Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney to extend the end of August deadline for work under TAMS I.
Eddie Downey said the short timeframe and builders’ holidays will impact on the end-of-August deadline. “It is impossible for farmers to get the work done by the end of next month and a deadline extension is justified.”
Commenting on the new TAMS II schemes, Rural Development Chairman Flor McCarthy said that it is vital that the €395m allocated to the farm investment scheme is fully utilised in the RDP and that the Government must make a significant allocation to the scheme in next October’s Budget for 2016.
Flor Mc Carthy has welcomed the inclusion of additional items for grant aid including silage slabs, silage walls, and litter storage on tillage farms. He called for the Minister to add additional items such as sheep fencing, underpasses, grain storage and other items as necessary over the next number of months. The removal of the internal investment limits will be a major boost to those farmers who want to carry out significant investment on any one item up to the limit of €80,000 with a separate investment limit for the Low Emission Slurry Equipment.
In relation to the administrative system through a 3 month tranche process up to 2020, Flor McCarthy reminded the Minister of the recent Charter of Rights outcome where commitments have been entered into for speedier processing of approvals and payments.