IFA Meet Uk Minister for Agriculture on Single Farm Payment

IFA Deputy President Eddie Downey was invited to join a delegation of farmers in the North that met the UK Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Jim Paice on the future of the CAP post-2013.
The delegation included representatives from the Ulster Farmers’ Union, English, Welsh and the Scottish Farmers’ Union.
Eddie Downey said the intensive discussions centred on the importance of the continuation Single Farm Payment to support active, productive farm families. He highlighted to Minister Paice the value of the Single Farm Payment in maintaining the productive family farm structure in Ireland. “The extreme volatility caused by globalisation has led to significant fluctuations in farm incomes, and a Single Farm Payment structure aimed at active producers is vital.”
Mr Downey said the meeting had been part of IFA’s ongoing campaign to build alliances as the negotiations for the CAP post-2013 gather pace.