Retailers Reminded to Return a Viable Price for Fresh Produce in Run-up to Christmas

In the run up to Christmas, IFA Horticulture Chairman Brian O’Reilly is calling on all retailers to approach the market with due regard for the producer and return a viable farm gate price. He said, “The weeks leading up to Christmas are in most cases the most important time for potatoes and fresh produce trading in Ireland, with large volumes being traded in this period. This will have a significant effect on the overall annual farm income for many fresh produce growers.”
Brian O’Reilly said, “Below-cost selling of potatoes and fresh produce is not a sustainable practice as it leads to reduced values and in most cases the cost of this is borne by the producer. Large retail multiples sell up to 80% of some fresh produce lines grown in Ireland and therefore have significant control in this sector. Retailers, as key stakeholders in the food supply chain, have a responsibility to their growers and to the future of the industry in Ireland. The recent rise in energy and fuel costs has put significant downward pressure on growers’ returns.”
He said, “Retailers are reminded of the commitment Irish potato and fresh produce growers make to supplying their supermarket. This was evident last winter when severe weather brought the country to a stand-still, yet growers continued to supply through the adversity and ensured retailers had fresh quality stock on their shelves.”