Inspection Regime Must Not Stifle Competition in Veterinary Medicines Supplies

IFA Animal Health Chairman John Waters said the approach by some Department of Agriculture officials towards Veterinary Medicine Suppliers was heavy-handed and was having a detrimental impact on the businesses of those inspected.
John Waters said Department of Agriculture officials are obliged to comply fully with the Charter of Rights when carrying out inspections, whether they are on farms or Veterinary Medicine Supply outlets.
“There appears to be a trend where suppliers which are offering competitively-priced veterinary medicines to farmers are the target of these inspections. The Minister must ensure that no supplier’s business is impacted negatively as a result of an over-zealous application of the inspection system by some of his officials.”
The Animal Health Chairman said, “Animal remedies are a significant annual cost for farmers in maintaining high herd health and welfare. A broad supply base offering competitive rates is vital to ensure farmers can keep these costs to a minimum. Any process that has a negative impact on the ability of suppliers to meet the needs of their farmer customers cannot be allowed continue.”
John Waters reminded farmers that they are entitled to purchase LM products from any licensed suppliers. In the case of POMs, once they have a valid prescription, farmers can buy from any outlet licensed to stock POMs.