Epp Leader Gives Strong Reassurances on Cap Negotiations to IFA Executive Council – ‘no Money, No Vote’

IFA President John Bryan has welcomed the strong defence of the CAP budget from the head of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, Joseph Daul MEP. Mr Daul, who addressed a special meeting of the IFA Executive Council in Adare, Co Limerick last night (Wed), said ‘the amounts devoted to agriculture over the coming years cannot be less than the amounts allocated for the Budget year 2013’.
For the first time, the European Parliament has co-decision powers on the outcome of the current CAP negotiations. Joseph Daul told the members of the Executive Council and the main commodities – livestock, dairy, sheep, grain and Rural Development – that the voice of the countryside remains very strong in the European Parliament. He said, “In the Parliament, we will not commit ourselves to anything until we are shown the money. We have made it our new mantra – ‘No money, no vote’.”
Mr Daul referred to the report prepared by this colleague Albert Dess. “There is a strong emphasis on the need to simplify the CAP, a reduction in bureaucracy and an emphasis on food security.”
The head of the EPP said he was aware of Ireland’s concerns about the proposed shift towards a flat-rate system. “I am confident, and I want to reassure you that we will find an appropriate solution.”
On Rural Development, M Daul said, “Especially in times of economic crisis, we need to continue investing in our countryside. My Group will insist that rural development measures should principally benefit farmers.”
Joseph Daul also referred to the upcoming Referendum on the Stability Treaty, saying he believed it was important there is a Yes vote.
John Bryan said IFA would continue to work with the EPP and the Irish MEPs to secure a satisfactory outcome to the CAP negotiations that would safeguard productive farmers, and facilitate growth across all sectors and regions of the country