Poor Weather Conditions Increases Pressure + Stress on Farmers

IFA National Farm Family Chair Margaret Healy has encouraged farmers to keep in touch with their neighbours and be conscious of the stress the continuing bad weather is causing to many. They are becomingly increasingly concerned with the inclement weather conditions and yield potentially slips with each passing day.
Margaret Healy said “record falls of rain this summer, coupled with below normal temperatures and low sunshine levels have made working conditions very difficult adding to the financial pressure farmers’ face. Judging by the phonecalls that are coming in and the greater number of people who approach us at meetings and events throughout the country to talk about the difficulties they are experiencing, the level of stress has reached crisis point for some. And this in turn is having a detrimental effect on farmers’ mental and physical health.”
“IFA have hosted a series of national meetings to promote greater mental awareness of mental health problems and services. Speakers from See Change and the National Office of Suicide Prevention spoke at each of the IFA’s 29 County Executive meetings and the feedback from these mental health talks has been overwhelming.”
“I would urge anyone who feels as if they are suffering from unmanageable pressure to talk to a trusted friend, family member, neighbour or call a helpline. Alternatively please see www.IFA.ie for IFA’s helpful and informative “Let’s talk – dealing with stress” leaflet, this clearly outlines how farmers can protect themselves from the stresses in their daily lives,” she concluded.