IFA Call for Rejection of Labour’s Land Access Bill

IFA has called on TD’s to reject out of hand a private member bill on land access being brought forward by a Labour Party member.
IFA Hill Committee Chairman, Tom Fadian described the Bill as a rehash of a proposal brought forward by Ruairi Quinn in 2007 when he was in opposition and which was rejected out of hand.
Tom Fadian said the conflict issues that were highlighted a number of years ago have been resolved through the introduction of the Walks Scheme. This scheme has created up to 40 walks through agreement with the maintenance of walks being undertaken by farmers.
The IFA Hill Committee Chairman said the introduction of this Bill would be a major setback to the good work that is being done by Comhairle na Tuaithe over the past number of years. It is now up to TD’s of all parties to reject this proposal.