Parliament Delays on Eu Budget Agreement Could Derail Cap Deal– Bryan

IFA President John Bryan has said that the delaying by the European Parliament of agreement on the EU Budget for 2014-2020 could derail the CAP deal during the Irish Presidency.
He said, “EU Heads of Government reached agreement on the Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 in early February. It is critical that the European Parliament reach agreement and sign-off on the MFF, in order that certainty is provided on the funding that will be available across many different EU programmes, including the CAP, over the next seven years.
He continued, “It is unacceptable that the delays in reaching agreement by the Parliament could push out the final agreement on the CAP. Farmers want certainty both on the level of funding that will be available over the next seven years and the mechanisms and programmes through which funding will be allocated. The final decision on the MFF will directly impact on the Direct Payments that farmers are currently applying for in 2013.
He concluded, “I am calling on our Irish MEPs to take responsibility for delivering an EU budget and CAP reform that works for Ireland and to influence their party colleagues in the European Parliament to work with the Irish Presidency and reach agreement on the MFF as a priority”.