Amendments to Nitrates Rules Provide Necessary Support for Farmers in Fodder Difficulty – IFA

IFA Environment + Rural Affairs Chairman Harold Kingston has described the decision by the Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney and Environment Minister Phil Hogan to relax measures in the nitrates regulations as an important support to farmers who are trying to avoid a further fodder shortage again this coming autumn and winter.
He said, “Farmers across the country have had to use exceptional levels of concentrates over the last twelve months, due to the wet weather and poor grass growth during the summer months, and to substitute poor quality silage which was fed during the prolonged winter”.
“It was the right decision by both Ministers to recognise the restriction placed on farmers, which has prevented them from spreading bagged fertilizers because of this increased meal use, and the urgent need to spread fertilizer now to avoid further shortages later in the year.”
Harold Kingston said, “Grass needs available sources of phosphorous now, to get growth going immediately. This announcement should help to reduce the pressure of further fodder shortages on farms later in the year”.