Time for Farmers to Be Heard in the Shannon Pipeline Debate – IFA

FA Environment and Rural Affairs Chairman Thomas Cooney has urged all farmers and their families who may be impacted by the proposed project to pipe water from the river Shannon to Dublin to attend the Irish Water organised consultation meetings starting this week.
Thomas Cooney said, “The landowner is the most important stakeholder in this project. After the engineers, planners and consultants are long gone, farmers are the ones who will be left with this pipe on their lands. Therefore, their voices are the most important and they must be heard.”
IFA has urged every farmer who has received letters in recent days from Irish Water about the project to attend the meetings and get as much information about the project as possible. Concerns and objections should be set at these meetings.
Thomas Cooney said it is important that all farmers receive the following information:
- a detailed map setting out the impact of the proposed project on farm holdings;
- an understanding why the route has been selected;
- confirmation that the project will remain in State ownership;
- confirmation that any future income and yield losses will be made good by Irish Water, if the project were to happen; and,
- an understanding of the physical impact the proposed project will have on farm holdings and if there will be any permanent structures on farms.
“Farm families must ensure their strong voices are heard clearly at the Irish Water meetings.” Thomas Cooney concluded.
Irish Water is holding a series of Public Consultation Open Days where members of the public can ask questions in relation to the Project.
The Abbey Court Hotel, Wednesday November 16th 2pm-8pm
The Lakeside Hotel, Thursday, November 17th 2pm-8pm
Limerick Strand Hotel, November 21st, 2pm-8pm
Tullamore Court Hotel, November 28th 2pm-8pm
County Arms Hotel, November 30th 2pm08pm
Glenroyal Hotel, December 5th 2p-8pm
City West Hotel, December 6th 2pm-8pm