Farm FamilyFarm SafetyFarm Safety

Your Health Is the Most Important Asset on the Farm

To mark Men’s Health Week (Jun 10th-16th), IFA National Farm Family & Social Affairs Chair Caroline Farrell said a farmers’ health is the most important asset to their farm business and encouraged everyone to make small changes to improve their health and wellbeing.

“Farming is hard work and farmers work long hours, particularly at this time of year.  This can take its toll on physical and mental health.  Farmers need to prioritise their own health and take time to recharge their batteries,” she said.


This year’s campaign, ‘Men’s Health Matters’, is asking everyone to make the time and take the time to do something realistic and practical to improve both their own health and the health of the men and boys that they have contact with.


“Farming is one of the most physically and mentally demanding jobs.  It is so important that farmers maintain and enhance their physical health and mental wellbeing. If you have a pain with your back, feel burnt out or worried about some aspect of your health, make a commitment to go to you GP to get it checked out.”


The main causes of farmer’s ill health are associated with manual handling, lung problems, infections and noise.  Of farmers with occupational ill health, 50% suffer from chronic back pain.


Caroline Farrell said farmers need to achieve a better balance between work, outside interests and time spent with family and friends. By taking better care of yourself, your farm business can only benefit.

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