The medium-term outlook for agriculture is very uncertain, not least as a result of policy and trade issues stemming from Brexit. 2019 is a critical year, given the decisions that will be made on CAP post-2020. The outcome of the CAP process will decide the Budget for Ireland and the level of support for Irish farmers for the next seven years. Direct payments are critical for farmers’ incomes and we expect the Government to fight for an increase in the CAP Budget ” – IFA President Joe Healy
The IFA will hold four open meetings in Munster this January and February to discuss CAP and ANC’s. The outcome of these matters will impact your direct payments, farm schemes and income. We want to update you on our progress to date and hear what you think.
Join us and make sure your voice is heard.
January 17th, 2019, 8pm – Castle Hotel, Macroom, Co. Cork
January 23rd, 2019, 8pm – Corrin Mart, Fermoy, Co. Cork
February 4th, 8pm, – South Court Hotel, Limerick
February 7th, 2019, 8pm – Manor West Hotel, Tralee, Co.Kerry