European Commission Daily News – 27 March

European Parliament confirms that the 2017 EU budget was well-managed
The European Parliament yesterday gave its final approval, known as ‘discharge’, to the way in which the European Commission, in cooperation with the Member States, managed and implemented the EU budget in 2017. The positive vote follows from the European Court of Auditors’ decision to give the EU annual accounts a clean bill of health for the 11th year in a row, finding them true and fair. Commissioner Günther H. Oettinger, in charge of budget and human resources said, “The European Parliament has once again confirmed that the EU budget has been managed in line with the rules, generating great added value for our citizens. The EU’s achievements are numerous and the discharge exercise gives us yet another opportunity to look at them. Looking ahead, the next long-term EU budget for the 2021-2027 is the next big opportunity to show that we are learning from the past. In its proposal, the Commission has put forward ideas how to make sure the EU budget generates an even greater added value for the EU citizens, while being more flexible and simpler. We are now working hand in hand with the European Parliament and the Council towards timely adoption of the various proposals, including the 37 specific spending programmes, so that beneficiaries from across the Union will be able to benefit from EU funding as of January 2021.” More information is available in the press statement here.(For more information: Alexander Winterstein – Tel.: +32 229 93265; Andreana Stankova – Tel.: +32 229 57857)
School milk, fruit and vegetables program: 250 million euros to support healthy eating habits
Millions of children in the European Union will receive milk, fruit and vegetables as part of the EU’s program for schools in 2019/2020. This program has already reached more than 20 million children during the 2017/2018 school year. The national budget allocations for the 2019/2020 school year were adopted today. EUR 145 million is reserved for fruit and vegetables and EUR 105 million for milk and other dairy products. In addition to the distribution of these products, the EU School Program promotes healthy eating habits among children and includes targeted educational programs explaining the importance of good nutrition and how food is produced. . Phil Hogan, Commissioner for Agriculture, said: “Thanks to the European Schools Program, our young citizens can benefit from healthy, safe and high quality products produced by our European farmers, while learning where they come from. The Commission is proud to contribute to this important educational journey by establishing healthy habits from an early age.” The Commission also released today an evaluation report indicating that for the 2017/2018 school year, approximately 159,000 schools participated in the program. During this period, 255 500 tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables and 178 million liters of milk were distributed to European children thanks to more than € 182 million from the EU budget. A press release is online. (For more information: Daniel Rosario – Tel .: + 32 229 56185, Clémence Robin – Tel .: +32 229 52509)
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