BovINE will hold its first Irish National Beef Event via Zoom from the Irish Farm Centre, Dublin at 8.00pm next Tues, (Oct 20th). Beef farmers and all stakeholders in the beef and livestock sector are invited to attend, virtually.
The BovINE network links farmers, advisors, researchers, and all other relevant stakeholders, across nine EU member states, to stimulate exchange of knowledge and ideas to address solutions to the challenges faced by the sector.
The theme of the Irish Network Meeting is ‘Identifying Irish beef farmers’ challenges and sharing solutions from across Europe’. Richard Lynch, BovINE Project Manager in Teagasc, will present unique details and knowledge on what other farmers are doing and what research is being undertaken in the beef sector across Europe to improve sustainability. This should prove to be of very high interest and value to Irish beef farmers. Key areas covered will include socio-economic resilience, animal health & welfare, production efficiency & meat quality and environmental sustainability.
Adam Woods, Livestock Specialist with the Irish Farmers Journal will moderate a session which will allow farmers and other participants to outline their views and input on the challenges for beef farmers, and to identify what they need from research and innovation to address these challenges. This will provide a focus for activities undertaken by researchers, advisors, vets and others within BovINE in 2021, with solutions to these challenges presented at the second BovINE national event in October 2021.
Also during the meeting Kevin Kinsella, the Irish BovINE Network Manager will outline the plans for building the Network in Ireland. Inviting beef farmers and all the other stakeholders across the €3.5bn Irish beef sector to join the event, Kevin Kinsella says “Everybody is very welcome to join our BovINE meeting and we are looking forward to having a really informative session which will be beneficial to farmers and the broader Irish beef sector.” He encourages farmers and others interested in the project to register with the project’s open platform – the BovINE Knowledge Hub – where beef farmers, advisers, member organisations, researchers and others involved in the beef sector can exchange knowledge and share experiences to drive awareness and on-farm adoption of innovative and proven good practices.
Maeve Henchion BovINE Project Co-ordinator from Teagasc will provide an introduction to the BovINE project. She says “ This is an unique opportunity for all the cattle farming sector to work together to exchange knowledge and co-create solutions, taking advantage of the national and international networking opportunities provided by BovINE”.
Please register your place on the BovINE Network meeting on Tuesday Oct 20th at 8.00pm by returning an email to [email protected].
For more information, please check the project website at http://www.bovine-eu.net/ or contact Kevin Kinsella ([email protected]) Mobile (086 2454404), Richard Lynch ([email protected], Maeve Henchion ([email protected]) or Áine MackenWalsh ([email protected])