Farmers Should Check in on Elderly Neighbours and Those Farming on Their Own

IFA President Tim Cullinan said that it is important that farmers keep in touch with their elderly neighbours and those farming on their own.
“While older farmers and those with underlying medical conditions might be concerned about receiving visitors, it’s important that farmers make a special effort to keep in touch with their neighbours via phone,” he said.
“We should be conscious that older farmers and those with underlying medical conditions might be concerned about going to shops or co-ops. This is where neighbouring farmers could be a big help by collecting supplies for them and dropping them to the farm or helping them out if they are short of help,” he said.
“This is a time when those in the farming community need to support each other and make sure that we follow the Government guidelines while ensuring that those most at risk are supported,” he said.
“IFA has over 940 branches around the country and it’s important that farmers look out for other farmers in their parish,” he said.
“Farmers who are observing social isolation protocols should not feel isolated,” he said.