Minister Creed Has Failed to Honour Commitment on Agriculture Appeals

The Minister for Agriculture Michael Creed has not moved on any of the recommendations made by the independent review group on appeals, according to IFA Deputy President Richard Kennedy.
It’s two years since the publication of the report of the Agriculture Appeals Act Review Committee.
Richard Kennedy said it was established in response to genuine concerns about the appeals system.
The Committee established by the Minister acknowledged the need for change, making several significant recommendations including the establishment of an Agricultural Appeals Review Panel with an Independent Chair.
“The Minister must ensure the recommendations are implemented so that farmers can have confidence in the appeals system, and that their cases will be dealt with fairly, impartially and efficiently,” he said.
The recommendations were also passed by the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture and the expectation was that the Minister would implement the conclusions.
Richard Kennedy also pointed out that this review was part of the Programme for Government and it must be implemented before the dissolution of the Dáil.