Rollover Of Farm Schemes Important For Farm Incomes – Biggins

IFA Rural Development Chairman Michael Biggins has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue that the European Commission has approved the amendment to the Rural Development Programme, which allows for farm schemes to be continued into 2021 as part of EU CAP Transitional Rules.
“The schemes are a vital part of farm income. This gives continuity for farm payments in 2021, including GLAS, ANC, BDGP, Sheep Welfare and Organic Farming Scheme,” he said.
“It’s important that the process will take place with the minimum amount of paperwork. The Department confirmed that for GLAS, BDGP and the Organics Schemes, participating farmers will receive a letter and a text message this week, advising them of their options and how to apply to extend their contract for a further year,” he said.
Michael Biggins reiterated that for the GLAS rollover, flexibility must be given to farmers who have land leases which are due to expire and a renewal of the lease is not possible, to be allowed move the affected options to another parcel. This vital to ensure incomes of affected farmers are maintained for 2021.
The Basic Payment, Areas of Natural Constraint (ANC) and the Sheep Welfare Scheme will be done in the same way as in previous years.