Important to Maintain Highest Biosecurity on Poultry Farms

IFA National Poultry Chairman Nigel Sweetnam has commended farmers, industry and the National Disease Control Centre for their tremendous efforts during this difficult season where HPAI is a massive threat to the sector.
A second case in a turkey flock was confirmed earlier this week.
“The massive effort and commitment shown by farmers and industry alike in maintaining the highest levels of biosecurity in an effort to stop the spread of Avian Influenza must be commended,” he said.
“It’s an extremely difficult and stressful time for all involved and we are cognisant of the mental pressures on farmers and those in the industry. We would appeal to retailers to act responsibly in their pricing policy of poultry.”
“I want to emphasise again that the risk of infections to humans is very low and there is no risk to humans associated with consumption of poultry meat or eggs,” he concluded.