Grain Market Update 13th November

Domestic Market
With most of the potatoes and fodder beet now harvested, the final Winter plantings are almost finished. It is estimated that the Winter Wheat area will be back up to at least the 2019 figure, however, while Winter barley and oats will be up on last year, they may not reach the 2019 area.
Feed demand is described as strong in the dairy sector in particular, although it may now ease off somewhat as cows dry off. Notwithstanding, that a lot of maize was forward bought at lower prices earlier in the year, the current price differential between local barley and imported maize is now close to €40/t. This will ensure strong demand for Irish barley as it displaces maize in feed rations.
Most merchants have settled on final grain harvest prices. Green barley should be in the range of €150/t – €155/t and green wheat from €170 -175/t before any top ups etc.
Over in the UK, prices are holding strong due to the need for wheat imports. In addition, demand for barley is strong across Europe and elsewhere which is supporting prices.
Green prices for harvest 2021 are below todays spot prices, with prices of €155 for barley and €170/t for wheat being reported.
Irish Native / Import Dried Feed Prices 12/11/2020