IFA Demands Strong Price Increase for Winter Finishers
Calling for a strong price increase for winter finishers, IFA National Livestock Chairman Angus Woods said the positive change in the Sterling exchange rate from 89p back to 84p/€ is worth an additional 25c/kg in returns and leaves the factories in a strong position to increase prices to farmers.
He said there is significant variation of between 10c to 20c/kg in the base price being paid by different factories. He said the general base price is €3.70/3.75/kg for steers and €3.80/3.85/kg for heifers but some top prices of €3.90 and €4.00/kg are being paid. Angus Woods said the factories have fallen well behind on price with the Irish price now below the EU average and a very widening gap opening up with prices in our main export market in Britain.
Live exports
On live exports, Angus Woods said IFA has been working hard on calf exports for next spring and has met a number of the exporters and the Department of Agriculture in recent weeks. He said IFA has called for a reduction in charges on live exports and particularly calves pointing out that it is totally unfair that calf exports are charged up to €8 per head, the same as a €1,400 beef animal going to the factory.