PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 12th January

Markets remain largely unchanged this week. Retail trade is steady, albeit much slower than this period last year when level 5 restrictions were in place. Trade for the processing sector is variable at present but it is hoped this will improve with considerations that restrictions will ease shortly. Peeling material has been quoted in the region of €200/tonne. The availability of seed potato is a huge concern for growers at present and lobbying efforts continue to devise a 2-way model for trade between the EU and the UK.

In the U.K reports suggest that movement of M. Piper over the holiday period has been slightly better than they anticipated. Quality issues are reported on many samples, including lifting damage and bruising but also Hollow Heart. 

Overall, across Europe, the avoidance of strict lockdown in most countries is seen as a positive factor for markets. Despite difficulties with transport, exports to the East appear to be increasing, particularly from Germany.

Rooster box €380€450€400
Rooster 10 kg €4€5€4.50
Queens 10 kg bag€5€6€5.50
Kerr Pinks€5€6€5.50

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