PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 16th August

Retail demand and domestic consumption remains buoyant. Small amounts of new season Rooster are being lifted at present where some growers managed to plant early, growers are reporting that yields are quite low on these crops. It is likely that there will be a gap of 3 to 4 weeks before more Rooster crops come onto the market, coinciding with this year’s plantings. 

Stocks of old season Rooster are now extremely tight, with high prices accordingly for any remaining stocks. Likewise, prices and demand for the peeling stock are strong. Stocks of Queens are beginning to tighten as demand remains buoyant. 

Blight pressure is an additional burden for growers this season and is translating into significant cost for growers. 

In Europe some early test digs show a wide variation depending on planting date. Some very disappointing results have been seen with later planted later maturing crops. 

In the U.K. lifting has been restricted by the weather again but conditions are at last beginning to improve. Market traders report that buyers appear to have adjusted to the higher prices being quoted over the last nine months and movement is “surprisingly good”. Old crop is still being offered and is preferred by some buyers who are concerned about the stability of the new crop which has been very slow to skin set this year. 

Price reporting will return shortly when new stocks become readily available. 

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