PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 24th November

The cold spell forecast should boost domestic consumption, there is continued uncertainty for the food service sector as covid case numbers continue to rise. Good harvesting progress has been made in Donegal over the past week, with some growers nearing completion. Again, variable yields are reported and quality appears to be very good. 

In the U.K in terms of maincrop, there is more of a focus on best quality samples now and although demand has not been exceptionally strong, some growers have managed to force prices higher in the East. Quality M.Piper are in demand and it is reported that it is very difficult to find samples without bruising.In Europe, fresh markets are reported as “holding to firm” with promotions generating more demand. Exporters report general enquiries from Eastern Europe and good movement from Germany from where transport costs are lower.

Rooster box (New Season)€380€450€400
Rooster 10 kg (New Season)€4€5€4.50
Queens 10 kg bag€5€6€5.5
New Season Kerr Pinks€5€6€5.50

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