PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 25th May

Markets remain unchanged and remarkably quieter than that experienced for the past two seasons. Planting is still underway in Donegal following a two-week period of unfavourable conditions. Liftings of Premier and Home Guard continues at small levels in the south east this week. Growing conditions to date have been favourable with recent rainfall welcomed by growers. The announcement of a €3million euro scheme this week for the seed potato sector is a positive step for the seed industry.  

Thunderstorms across Northern Europe (10 to 30mm) have tempered forward positions although many areas remain very dry and there is still concern about the development of the early crop. Higher prices have dampened demand on export markets but there is still movement of frying varieties (Agria) to Spain.

In the U.K. recent rainfall of between 7and14mm was welcomed but irrigation is still taking place in some areas.

Rooster box €380€450€400
Rooster 10 kg €4€5€4.50
Kerr Pinks€5€6€5.50

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