PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 26th July


Home consumption and retail sales remain unchanged. With up to 80% of Queens now cleared in the southeast, the availability of Queens is tight this week until more crops are fit for harvest in the north east. The availability of packing quality material continues to tighten further with strong demand for any remaining material.  Likewise, the peeling trade remains buoyant as stocks tighten.

Across Europe some new crops are coming on to the market, however, quantities are negligible and quantities will be very tight for at least three weeks. In the U.K. demand for free buy M.Piper is very strong and some packers are “desperately short” of their requirements. Apart from the tight supplies, some stores have seen retail sales increases of 25% recently. The planted area of early maincrop Whites and M.Piper appears to be  reduced and a bigger proportion of the crop is under contract.

Rooster box€480€530€500
Rooster 10 kg€5€5.50€5.25

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