Market Report 31.08.22
Reports from growers indicate that sales are picking up marginally as schools return and the holiday periods draws to an end. It is widely reported that crops did not recover from two successive droughts in the space of one month and that yields will be reduced in many regions across the country. Like the U.K, it is feared that significant rainfall would do more harm than good at this point. The price of new season queens remains in the region of €4.60-€5.50 ex farm in 10kg bags.
There is serious concern about the inflated cost of production this year and many growers are considering their options now for next season. Meetings continue with packers and retailers ahead of the new season. IFA will hold an online meeting for growers to discuss the new season in the coming week.
The situation remains dismal in the U.K. Unirrigated sites are mostly past the stage of recovery and some worrying indications of sprouting and secondary growth are being seen. Many crops in England for packing have now been burnt off but well irrigated late varieties will benefit from the rain and should produce good samples
In Scotland, there has been another 10 to 25mm this week which has benefitted some crops but there are still concerns that yields of whites particularly will be restricted. Lifting remains difficult and there have been rejections again this week for bruising and particularly on M.Piper.
Across Europe, there are continued reports of poor crops due to drought conditions over the summer period. Rainfall 10 days ago has helped lifting conditions but was considered not high enough in most areas to have any great effect on the crop. Yield test digs in France are now showing a similar trend to 2018 and 4% below the five-year average but senescence is more advanced this year.