PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 5th May

Main crop plantings are progressing very well with many growers nearing completion. Rainfall over the weekend was welcomed by growers however, it still remains very cold overnight which is delaying growth. There are also reports of frost damage on early crops.  Markets remain largely unchanged and there is some slight increased activity in the processing sector as restaurants have a plan to reopen. 

Across Europe, physical prices in the processing sector are stronger again this week, with contract holders keen to obtain stocks to fulfil their commitments. Production in the processing factories is increasing by the week. Prices in the fresh sector are flat but more demand for export is noted particularly from Spain and Portugal and also the Ukraine but there are still low-priced stocks in Poland which need to be moved. In the U.K. planting is proceeding very well and most of the crop should be in the ground at the end of next week.

Rooster box €320€380€350
Rooster 10 kg €3.30€3.80€3.50
Whites Box€300€350€320
 Kerr Pinks€5.00€5.50€5.30

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