PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 9th February

Consumption of potatoes appears to be picking up this week as trade is reported to be slightly stronger. 

Early plantings continue as ground conditions are favourable; some growers in the southeast are nearing completion. Once again, growers are reminded to grow for their markets and be cognisant of the upheaval of markets over the past two years. The price of peeling stock is currently reported in the range of €170 for rooster and €250 for whites. 

In Europe, the fresh market is holding firm and demand for export from Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean continues, but rising prices are not helping the situation. The main demand from Spain is reported to be for frying quality. In the U.K. early plantings progress is mixed, with some areas reporting good progress and others proceeding ‘cautiously’.  

Rooster box €380€450€400
Rooster 10 kg €4€5€4.50
Queens 10 kg bag€5€6€5.50
Kerr Pinks€5€6€5.50

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