PotatoPotato Market Reports

Potato Market Update 16th June

Retail demand remains stable and the food service sector has seen a welcome boost over the past 10 days. Processing trade is reported to be around 45/50% of usual trade which is the highest it has been in months. On this note the peeling market continues to re surface and prices again are reported in the region of €180/€200/tonne. 

Reports indicate that main crop material continues to tighten significantly which is reflected in higher reported prices. Remaining packing quality should command a premium price. Liftings of early varieties continue, however, it will be another two weeks before queens come onto the market. 

Across Europe physical prices in the processing sector continue to be quoted at slightly higher values. The fresh sector is flat and some lower prices have been taken for secondary quality material, however, prices for top quality are holding while the changeover to new season and imported lines takes place. In the U.K. transportation availability and costs have become huge issues since Brexit. There are reports of freshly graded loads having to be dumped because no transport is available to deliver to catering and retail outlets. 

Rooster box €350€410€380
Rooster 10 kg €3.60€4.20€3.90
Whites Box€320€370€340

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