ANC Payments Begin Next Week – IFA Urges Maximum Payout

IFA Deputy President Richard Kennedy said the Department of Agriculture has confirmed that payment under the ANC Scheme to 95,000 farmers will commence early next week.
He said, “This payment is worth more than €200m to farmers. It is vital at this time, particularly given the very difficult weather conditions over the past month.”
Richard Kennedy said paying out next week is in line with the Charter of Farmers Rights and IFA expects the maximum to be paid out at this stage.
The IFA Deputy President said this payment must be followed by a 70% advance of the Basic Payment Scheme on October 16th to 130,000 farmers, and payments under GLAS and other schemes in November/December.
Direct payments worth €1.7bn are due to farmers between now and the end of the year.
IFA will be demanding that all schemes are paid on time, and there is no repeat of the GLAS problems of earlier this year.