IFA Weekly News Update 8th April 2022

IFA Launch 2021 Milk Price Analysis Poultry Farmers Protest in Monaghan IFA President Addresses Aquaculture Conference Calves for Ukraine Fundraiser Brussels Update Upcoming Deadlines & Latest Market Reports |
Latest Milk Price Analysis Shows Significant Gaps Between What Processors are Paying

The latest Milk Price Analysis completed by the IFA Dairy Committee shows significant differences between the milk price paid by 12 milk processors across the country. The analysis (See Note to Editor) is based on the revenue generated in 2021 by a spring calving herd supplying 500,000 litres a year to their milk processor.
It does not include any trading bonuses, fixed price schemes or forward contracts. The analysis shows a gap of €7,386 between the highest and lowest payers.
Read More Here or Read the IFA Milk Price Analysis in Full Here
Commission Proposals Fly in the Face of Food Security Crisis

In response to the latest EU Commission’s Industrial Emissions Directive proposals, IFA President Tim Cullinan said the proposals from the EU Commission are completely over the top.
The new proposed Industrial Emissions Directive, which was published this week, outlines proposals for tightening the current directive guidelines, while introducing new measures which would have serious consequences for the dairy, beef, poultry and pig sector.
Egg Price Increase Needed as Feed Costs Continue to Rise

Egg producers held a protest outside Annalitten Eggs in Monaghan this week to secure a price increase given to suppliers that hasn’t been passed back to farmers. IFA National Poultry Committee Vice Chair Brendan Soden said the supply chain, in which the primary producer is key, is broken.
“Farmers acknowledge that most supermarkets have listened to their concerns and have passed back increases to their suppliers, which in turn should be passed onto farmers. However, this hasn’t happened,” he said. This situation is very difficult for farmers who have been highlighting since November their need for 2c per egg and 15c per chicken to recover costs.
Irish Aquaculture Sector Can Flourish & Benefit Coastal Communities with Correct Policies

Addressing the IFA Aquaculture conference in Westport in Mayo this week, IFA President Tim Cullinan said aquaculture has a vital part to play at a time of the greatest need for sustainable food production, through the development of sustainable Irish aquaculture.
“This must be underpinned by a commitment to implement all recommendations of the Independent Aquaculture Licensing Review and the implementation of suitable policy to develop the Irish aquaculture sector laid out in the ‘Seafood Taskforce Recommendations’.”
Check out some more photos from the IFA Aquaculture Conference Below

Focus of Beef Farmers Remains on Sustainability

Fairer prices, alternative feedstuffs, animal health checks prior to purchase, training for handlers to reduce stress and improve meat quality plus biodiversity are under the spotlight for 2022
Beef farmers across Europe continue to engage with the BovINE network via national and international meetings, and exchanges with the project’s national Network Managers (NMs) to express and share their needs for information, tools, and practical guidance to help secure sustainable improvements in their practice and business operations.

IFA Member Services

Is your Farm Business compliant with employment legislation?
Did you know that in 2019 alone, the work place relations commission received 800 complaints relating to Farm workers and awarded €56,000?
IFA is now offering an employment support service at affordable rates from €450 per year.
Protect your Farm Business, contact us today:
To get in contact with IFA Employment Services call 1800 714 001 or email [email protected].
To find out more information visit the IFA Employment Services centre.
Terms and Conditions Apply

On Monday, Director of European Affairs Liam MacHale attended the COPA Working Group meeting on pigmeat where German farmers stated the need for a price of at least €2.00/kg and that there was a lag between the price rise in pigs and the rise of meat prices in the supermarket. The price has increased +45% in 6 weeks in Austria to €1.96/kg. It was reported that China is now buying up strategic stocks of pigmeat. Hungary is addressing ASF with a wild boar programme with significant reductions in wild boar numbers in Eastern Hungary. A vaccine for wild boars is needed to eradicate ASF globally.
The European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee held an exchange of views with Commissioner Wojciechowski on Food Security also on Monday. MEPs acknowledged the quick actions of the Commission contained in the 23rd March announcement of measures. CAP National Strategic Plan Observation Letters would not now be published for 3 weeks. The Commissioner indicated that many plans did not have enough information on Member State contribution to Environment objectives.
The Commission published their proposal for the Industrial Emissions Directive on Tuesday, which included bovines for the first time and set a threshold for inclusion of 150 LSUs for installations rearing livestock, pigs and poultry. This proposal will now be discussed in the European Parliament at Council.
Liam MacHale attended the COPA POCC meeting of the Office representatives of the European Farming Associations on Wednesday in preparation for the Praesidium on 28th and 29th April which Commissioner Wojciechowski will join by video link.
On Thursday, the Agriculture Ministers met in Luxembourg for the Agriculture Council meeting. In relation to emissions’ reduction Minister McConalogue highlighted the greater challenge Ireland had versus other Member States and argued for the importance of the maintenance of flexibilities for Ireland. The Minister pointed out to the Commission that they should consider the elimination of import duties and anti-dumping duties on fertilisers to address the current crisis faced by farmers.
A Look Ahead
Monday 11th April IFA President Tim Cullinan will be in Brussels to chair the COPA Working Group meeting on the Food Chain. The Commission’s Mr Fabien Santini will address the meeting in relation to the European Food Safety Crisis Preparedness and Response Mechanism expert group which met recently. Tuesday 12th April National Council are meeting in the Irish Farm Centre in Dublin. IFA Ag Tech Policy & Innovation Executive Ethan Cleary and Director of European Affairs Liam MacHale will attend the COPA Working Group on Research and Innovation which includes an exchange of views with the Commission (DG Agri) on the Soil Mission and the state of play on the next Horizon Europe Work Programme. Wednesday 13th April IFA will address the Joint Oireachtas Committee for Agriculture regarding the Pig Sector Crisis. Ethan Cleary will present an update on the Demeter Project (Building an Interoperable Data-Driven, Innovative and Sustainable European Agri-Food Sector) at the Horizon 2020 Workshop on Research and Innovation Projects. Thursday 15th April National Dairy Committee are meeting in Portlaoise. |
Upcoming Deadline Notice

Multi Species Swards Measure – Thursday, April 14th 2022
The Department of Agriculture launched The Multi Species Swards Measure which isthe first element from the package of measures announced earlier this week to provide support to Irish farmers. Apply through agfood.ie by Monday, April 4th 2022.
For more information, read the measure’s outline here.
Basic Payment Scheme – Monday 16th May 2022
The deadline for Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) is just over a month away. You must apply by midnight on Monday, 16th May 2022. You must apply online by logging in or registering at www.agfood.ie.
If your login or password are expired and need to be renewed please contact the department’s helpdesk.
Latest Market Reports
Beef Market Report
IFA livestock chairman Brendan Golden said demand for beef is extremely strong with UK and EU prices rising sharply in the past week. He said while our prices have risen again this week the weekly 5c/kg increases are leaving our prices lagging behind what is available from the market place in our key markets. He said prices are currently the equivalent of 50c/kg behind UK prices and 22c/kg below the prime export benchmark price.
Brendan Golden said input inflation has eroded virtually all of the price gains from this time last year and prices must push on to cover the enormous cost challenges beef farmers are exposed to. He said factories are not leaving any cattle behind and are prepared to do deals significantly above quoted prices to secure supplies. Brendan Golden said farmers should sell hard in a strengthening beef market where prices in our key export markets clearly show opportunity for stronger price returns to farmers.
Sheep Market Update
IFA Sheep committee chairman Kevin Comiskey said hogget prices have edged upwards again this week but are still trending below this time last year. He said sheep farmers are feeling the brunt of the current input cost inflation and none of this is reflected in the current prices offered. The IFA sheep chairman said sheep farmers are facing into potential cost increases of upwards of €40/ewe while prices remain below last year’s levels.
He said sheep meat prices in the UK and EU are on an upward trajectory with particularly strong increases in UK prices over the past week. Kevin Comiskey said hogget and lamb prices must reflect the additional costs on sheep farms and factories must move to return these additional costs in prices paid to farmers, he said price movements in the UK and EU markets is a clear indication of demand in the market place. The IFA sheep Chairman said demand for lamb is at peak with Easter and Ramadan and this must be returned in higher prices to farmers.
Pig Market Update
Irish pig prices increased by 20c/kg this week with farmers receiving quotes of €1.60c/kg up to €1.64 or €1.66 – €1.70/kg. This is the first upward price movement Irish pig farmers have received since mid-2021 while their input costs have increased to unprecedented levels.
This month is no different in the context of increased inputs. Farmers have received notification from feed mills of an increase of circa €40/tonne for pig feed from the 1st of April. This increase almost entirely consumes the increase in the pig price which was confirmed on Friday last as quoted above.
Potato Market Update
Markets remain largely unchanged at present and are reported to be subdued, especially in comparison to trade experienced during the pandemic. Energy costs remain to the fore for potato growers with stocks in storage. This, coupled with production costs for the 2022 season, is causing many growers to reconsider their plantings. Many growers may be forced to cut back on planted acreage as a result. These spiralling costs must be recognised and paid for by potato packers and retailers.